A 立博体育平台第一 graduate with her mother and sister at graduation.



Mynk wants to make a difference in the world, and I know she will. Right now, she’s exactly where she’s meant to be. She has found her people – people who get who she is, her humor, her ambition, her bravery. It’s important for all of us to find people like that – and 立博体育平台第一 provides a welcoming and diverse community for students to do that. At North Central, every person can find people to connect with.

阿曼达·理查森 and her daughter Mynk Richardson-Clark ’20.


“From day one, North Central has been a winning formula for Darryl. He’s making the most of everything the College has to offer, including the Dr. Myron Wentz Science Center, and he’s doing everything he needs to succeed. 学院的文化帮助他做到了这一点. 立博在线体育俩都没上过大学, so Darryl is in the 立博体育平台第一 program for first-generation students, 这真的很有帮助. He’s very comfortable here, and when you’re comfortable then other things fit into place. He’s found a home here … and the sky’s the limit.”



"立博体育平台第一 is a program that always puts a smile on Victoria’s face whenever she speaks about it. They helped Victoria overcome barriers she came across throughout her time at North Central, and gave her a chance to exercise her leadership skills. Victoria always felt supported and heard through this program, and it gave her a chance to give back the knowledge she learned from being a leader in 立博体育平台第一. We’re grateful for this supportive program at North Central."

David, Victoria ’17 and Maria Alvarez at graduation.

布伦达digg & 马雷福尔克

"立博体育平台第一 really gave our daughter resources and comfort away from home. The director took away our worry that Arika wouldn't have someone looking out for her; Arika knows Julie is always available to help her. Our daughter got to meet so many different people, and we got to see her become a leader on campus through 立博体育平台第一. We always feel like she's safe and is getting opportunities to better herself and her future."


Ariel & 罗莎琳埃尔南德斯

"立博体育平台第一 has strengthened our daughter’s belief in the power and importance of earning a degree for a much brighter future. This organization helped Sheryll in having the foresight and determination to succeed through perseverance and hard work. It helped her develop her self-esteem and take pride in being a first- generation college student."



"North Central's programs for first-generation students have been a blessing for us. I didn't go to college, so I couldn't always help. I'm sure my sons’ college experiences have been successful largely because of 立博体育平台第一 and Teach First."



"立博体育平台第一 has helped our son become more confident, and it has helped get him acclimated to college life. It also provides great networking opportunities for him for the future. 立博体育平台第一是个很棒的项目!"



"I think 立博体育平台第一 has given my son an opportunity to be a leader as he helps first-year students with similar situations to what he once faced."



Shaina is the very first in our family to go to college,  She chose North Central because it made her feel welcome. 立博体育平台第一 surely helped her find a community and know what she was destined to do.  She enjoys helping people find a way to effectively manage their finances. She earned her Bachelors of Arts in Economics and then landed a position shortly after with the mentoring and guidance of this family-oriented college.   Shaina is now working as a Credit Analyst at RR Donnelly.

Leticia flowers w/ flowers

Debbie & 家伙怀特洛克

当莫莉加入立博体育平台第一, it helped to guide her through the first year of her college experience by answering questions and anticipating needs that we could not assist with. When Molly went through the program in her first year, she met both student and professor mentors that are also first-generation, 接受职业和经济方面的建议, and guidance about campus life and time management. 立博体育平台第一 is a unique and rewarding first-generation program that seeks to prepare and network students for a great four years and beyond. 





Graduating from North Central will open doors to opportunities you didn't realize were possible. 这是对学生未来的投资, and we want to partner with you to give you the greatest return.

Old Main