

的 枢机可持续发展基金 was established in February 2014 as 中北书院’s green revolving fund. 的 purpose of this fund is to provide the financial means for implementing sustainability projects on campus, which may have a high initial cost but provide an acceptable economic payback to the College. 的 枢机可持续发展基金 is a portion of North Central’s unrestricted endowment, which has been committed to sustainability projects that meet a set of criteria. 例如, all projects must have a payback of less than 15 years, 和学生 and faculty must be involved with the projects. 的 中北书院 可持续发展委员会 must review and approve a proposed project before it goes to the Building and Grounds Committee. 如果你被录取了, the proposal goes to the Finance Committee for final approval before the project can begin. Tracking and evaluation of projects are conducted by the Business Office and the 可持续性 Coordinator.

Some of the first projects 中北书院 financed through the 枢机可持续发展基金 included more efficient lighting in Ward Residence Hall and LED lighting in Gregory Arena and the pool at Merner Field House, the Residence Hall/娱乐 Center arena, and the second floor of the Harold and Eva White 活动 Center. During fall 2016, the College implemented the largest project to date from the revolving fund: a 538.56 kW solar array with a 250 kW energy storage system in the Residence Hall/娱乐 Center.



Established by President Emeritus Harold R. 2008年的王尔德, the 可持续发展委员会 consists of faculty, 工作人员 和学生 responsible for educating and encouraging the entire campus community to engage in sustainability actions and programs. For suggestions pertaining to campus sustainability initiatives or to get involved, e-mail sustainability@noctrl.edu.


Written by the 可持续发展委员会 and approved by Cabinet in 2011, the 可持续发展政策 best explains the College’s intent to integrate sustainability into all facets of campus life. 的 policy defines sustainability in the context of the College culture and outlines principles focused on continuing progress toward a more sustainable campus community. 的 可持续发展政策 可以以PDF格式查看.


North Central’s 2010 土地用途总图则 incorporates sustainability principles and planning as the College looks toward the future. 具体地说, recent initiatives in building development, 替代交通工具, and green space investments are spelled out in the 可持续性 section. 的 opening of that section expresses the College’s commitment to sustainability:

“中北书院 places a high value in creating an environmentally sustainable campus for its faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, and for the future of the institution. 可持续性 is not only good practice from physical and financial perspectives, but also offers opportunities for the campus environment to support learning and attract prospective students and faculty who share in the College’s values.”